We create what we conceptualize

Welcome to October, a month that summons our attention, that its beauty is in its impermanence. The fleeting nature of decay and mysterious light tricks; the dichotomy of growth (hi new mushrooms) and death (bye bye oak and maple leaves) but realizing it's all alive in portal season. We tuck ourselves away a little bit more and warm our bellies. We catch glimmers of golden birch leaves flickering in the glow of crisp sunset. We are drawn to be with fire. We feel. We may grieve. We shed. We pray.

We dream more deeply. We cherish the smaller moments of togetherness as grand gestures. We remember we're being carried through a familiar landscape that's ever-changing. The season carries Us and we get to decide if we can surrender to being held.

I'm making peace with the darker months, as I do this time of year in the Pacific Northwest. I speak it aloud to bring my body along for the ride. But first, I sink my slurping boots into squishy earth, hold my horsetail wand and take a big breath. I think the magic of this mysterious month is that we can create whatever we can conceptualize. Poof!