A new phase of Wildcare


Welcome Wildcare distillation house! It's through collecting fresh spring water, growing plants in our family garden, & working with our copper stills, that I feel whole, nourished & free with the blessing of my ancestors behind me and a life of joy ahead of me. For me, distilling feels like home.

Our new phase focuses on private & custom distilling for back-bar & formulation needs for wellness practitioners, estheticians, energy workers, + independent skincare companies. This essentially equates to us transitioning as an artisan, wholesale distiller!

With that, we’ll be saying goodbye to our retail line & offering limited batches in smaller quantities- DIRECT THROUGH WILDCARE’S SITE ONLY.

Most favorites will return, but in limited, staggered batches with humble, handwritten labels + compostables, further positioning our business to create less waste, contributing more towards the integrity of the product inside. This supports my creative freedom through the whims of the seasons, offering clearer expressions of my garden & myself vs being stalled in a consistent, production state. Many current spa partners are already set to continue with their own unique custom Hydrosol they’ll private label & have for sale (!) + they’ll be utilizing our hydrosols in their back-bar in a sustainable, refillable set.

It’s a wildly contrasting experience to create beautiful things, while simultaneously being responsible for the production of more waste through hundreds of bottles a month. It may sound odd to hear a business say this, but my body feels a strong no to purchasing in this quantity/way anymore, and I want to normalize this as a real experience for highly sensitive/intuitive entrepreneurs that comes with the influx of more success! I’m excited to pave the way and reflect that success looks like radiant health of self, environment and the community.

As I’ve looked into various vessel options over the years to feel happy producing more in a better way, I simply come back to producing LESS.

Thank you for respecting my vision as I continue to create with heart & purpose. This new model directly supports my family and my physical + mental wellness moving forward. I’m thrilled to begin this next phase alongside you.

Please enjoy taking home the products you desire from our site, being mindful of only purchasing what you need so all have an opportunity to purchase our treats before they’re gone. I’ll be producing and restocking our current line until all of our back stock of bottles have been sold.

Beaming love!!!!
